Deiseb/Petition: “Stop the unethical and draconian proposed compulsory microchipping of dogs”

by cymrusofren

Stop the unethical and draconian proposed compulsory microchipping of dogs

We call on the Welsh Assembly to urge the Welsh Government to stop their proposed planned compulsory microchipping of dogs. Microchipping of dogs has not been proven to be more effective, cheaper or kinder to dogs. It has proven to be far more expensive than normal methods such as tattooing or permanent tags, is intrusive and brings in to question basic animal rights and ethics.

There is also increasing evidence that chips can cause cancer in animals. A collar with a tag is by far the easiest and most effective way of reuniting a dog and its owner- anyone who can read can use this system. According to campaign groups such as ChipMeNot, there would also be a real environmental impact from microchips due to the chips themselves, the need for readers, batteries for each reader, the computers to administer the database and so on.


Rhwystrwch y cynlluniau anfoesol a llym arfaethedig i’w gwneud yn orfodol i ficrosglodynnu cŵn

Yr ydym yn galw ar Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru i annog Llywodraeth Cymru i roi’r gorau i’w chynlluniau arfaethedig i’w gwneud yn orfodol i ficrosglodynnu cŵn. Nid oes tystiolaeth bod microsglodynnu cŵn yn fwy effeithiol, yn rhatach nac yn garedicach i gŵn. Profodd y dull hwn yn llawer drutach na’r dulliau arferol, fel tatŵs neu dagiau parhaol; mae’n amharu ar gŵn, ac o bosibl yn amharu ar hawliau sylfaenol a moesegol anifeiliaid.

Mae tystiolaeth gynyddol hefyd fod y sglodion yn gallu achosi canser mewn anifeiliaid. Coler â thag yw’r dull hawsaf a mwyaf effeithiol o ganfod perchennog ci. Gall unrhyw un a all ddarllen ddefnyddio’r system hon. Yn ôl grwpiau ymgyrchu fel ChipMeNot, byddai microsglodynnu yn cael effaith wirioneddol ar yr amgylchedd o ganlyniad i’r sglodion eu hunain, yr angen am offer darllen, y batris i bob offer darllen, y cyfrifiaduron i weinyddu’r gronfa ddata, ac ati.